Friday, January 18, 2013


     Every year, at the beginning of the second semester, UWC-USA hosts an Annual Conference. Over a long weekend, the campus fills up with guests and visitors who come together to discuss ideas, centered around a theme, dealing with part of the UWC mission.
     This year, the theme is "Regeneration". We kicked off the conference last night with a speaker about recycling through fashion and some hands on activities. Today the entire student body has been attending various workshops on break-off topics of the Regeneration theme.
     I personally attended a morning workshop led by Chad Jones, a UWC alum, who facilitated activities on belief systems. He asked the questions - "What belief systems suit us? Which serve us? Which inhibit us? How do we shed those belief systems?" Through small group discussion and large group activities, we learned a little about each other as individuals from different backgrounds, and as students moving forward to make an impact in the world.
     The afternoon session I attended was led by Madeleine, a UWC student, and Kripa, another alum, who talked about what they've done with youth activism in the climate change movement. Both have been to conferences and rallies and made an impact by making their voices heard. It was great to hear that even though we're students, we can still make a difference.
     I'm also participating in the conference through Media Team- a group of students dedicated to letting outside individuals know what's going on and keep them in the loop. I think this task has given me the added experience of a different perspective- how is what we're doing here now going to influence the greater world tomorrow, 5 years from now, or 10? How do we make sure to spread the UWC legacy?
     There are a lot of activities going on through Sunday (and then a day of service on Monday) and I'm sure there are still many visitors to speak with and learn from. We'll keep you updated! Follow @uwcusa on twitter and tumblr :)
#uwcusa #regenerate

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